evcc does not provide an metric endpoint for prometheus (see evcc discussion #7306).
With pollect, its easy to publish the evcc data for prometheus.
evcc does not provide an metric endpoint for prometheus (see evcc discussion #7306).
With pollect, its easy to publish the evcc data for prometheus.
My Seafile instance is running on a dedicated webserver behind a reverse proxy which is handling the SSL encryption.
This setup with the protocol change on one of the webservers does not work out of the box / this case is not documented in the official server documentation.
Bei der Einrichtung eines HP Druckers via hplip-setup schlug bei mir der Firmwaredownload (hp-firmware) bei Arch-Linux und bei Ubuntu fehl.
Für unsere Norwegenferien wollte ich das Tomtom-OV2 über das GPX-Format in die POI-Datenbank von FoxtrottGPS (Fork von TangoGPS) importieren.
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